What people are saying.
It has come full circle, when I started OrthoFlex no one knew, or wanted to talk about SADDLE FIT. Now, after millions spent educating with Saddling For the 21st Century, videos and Clinics, almost everyone is aware of the effects of a saddle on the horse! I energized a market entrenched in TRADITION. The only reason for change was; "The Customer’s perception is REALITY". To stay in business, companies brought out saddles and pads appearing to be improved for the benefit of the horse. The Corrector will level the playing field in the horseworld. No longer will overstated claims sell saddles and pads. Expensive saddles will have to include closer contact and more comfort for the rider. The best saddle companies will profit and the opportunist will lose! Now do you understand the scope of the term "Corrector"? Enjoy the following stories of a little device, that sounds too good to be true, The Corrector is inside the pad called " The PROTECTOR". It is closer & simple to clean and the one piece version everyone wanted.
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Thanks for inventing the Corrector. I haven't found as many riders who understand what a great device it is but met some endurance riders in fargo ND. They are sending me a writeup on the correctors they are using. I'll forward it to you as soon as I get it. The pictures are of my horse Tiger Ondeck (half TB half paint). The first picture is when he came back from a trainer in late Nov.. The second picture is of him in March 04. I must give credit to the Corrector for the recovery of his back muscles and for the freedom of his movements. No more trainers Without a corrector being used. I can't believe how far he's come in 3 1/2 months. You can see for yourself. Thanks again. -Linda Simmons, Twin Brooks S. Dakota
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“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
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